The Photographic Diver Andrew Marriott Anyone can photograph! Ask any photographer!!! :?) And there are different genres of photography - portrait, landscape, macro, nature, birds-in-flight... Each of these requires the photographer to master new skills (or buy more equipment). Some genres are a definite step up in terms of needed skills. Underwater photography is one of those genres. And you lose 1 kidney to pay for the dive gear, another for the UW camera gear. And then you have to understand about strobes, backscatter, White Balance compensation at different depths, etc (oh yeah, and remember to breathe). This session will discuss the journey of a 67 year old photographer with 40 years of above water experience and how he got "wet". There will be lots of images, lots of anecdotes, lots of information. And some free eBooks that have been grabbed by over 6500 people worldwide. Typical duration: 60-90 minutes.